FreehandRoi Tool

Mouse Input
Polygon Mode
Click on the canvas sequentially to drop handles and construct lines.
Click on the origin node to complete the region.
Pencil Mode
Shift + Click on the canvas to start drawing.
Move the mouse around to draw free-form.
Click on the origin node to complete the region.

FreehandRoi Tool API

Toggles whether the user can always see the handles.
Switches the invalid handle color to 'darkred'.
spacing - The distance between handles in pencil mode.
activeHandleRadius - The radius of the active handle when drawing.
completeHandleRadius - The radius of the active handle when region can be completed.

FreehandRoiSculptor Tool

Mouse Input
Ctrl-click near a region of interest to select it for editing.
Hold down click near the selected tool to begin editing.
With the mouse held down, drag the tool to push the region. This can be done from the inside or outside.
Release the mouse to complete the edit.
The closer to the contour the mouse is, the smaller the tool will be.

FreehandRoiSculptor Tool API

Toggles whether the freehand roi sculptor cursor can be seen whilst hovering near the selected region.
Toggles whether the freehand roi sculptor should have a maximum size when far from the selected region.
minSpacing - The minimum spacing allowed between region handles.
maxSpacing - The maximum spacing allowed between region handles.
hoverCursorFadeAlpha - The alpha of the cursor when distant from the region, if showCursorOnHover and limitRadiusOutsideRegion are enabled.
hoverCursorFadeDistance - The distance in tool radii with which to fade the cursor.