# 介绍

# CornerstoneTools.js 是什么

CornerstoneTools 是一个 JavaScript 库,可以帮助注释、分割和测量医学图像。该库还提供了一个框架,用于创建新工具、以一致、内聚的方式管理所有工具以及导入/导出工具度量数据。

该库并不是孤立的。它是建立在 Cornerstone (opens new window) 之上,这是一个符合标准、快速且可扩展的JavaScript库,用于显示交互式医学图像。

# 牛刀小试

最简单的方法是使用 JSFiddle Hello World example (opens new window)。请随意在另一个选项卡中打开它,并在我们学习一些基本示例时继续进行操作。或者,你可以 新建一个 index.html (opens new window) 然后像这样引入

<!-- Dependencies -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hammerjs@2.0.8"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cornerstone-math@0.1.6/dist/cornerstoneMath.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cornerstone-core@2.2.4/dist/cornerstone.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cornerstone-web-image-loader@2.1.0/dist/cornerstoneWebImageLoader.js"></script>

<!-- development version, includes helpful console warnings -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cornerstone-tools@3.0.0-b.641/dist/cornerstoneTools.js"></script>


<!-- Dependencies -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hammerjs@2.0.8"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cornerstone-math@0.1.6"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cornerstone-core@2.2.4"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cornerstone-web-image-loader@2.1.0"></script>

<!-- production version, optimized for size and speed -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cornerstone-tools@next"></script>

Installation page 提供了更多安装方式

# 依赖项

如果您发现这些依赖项令人困惑,下面是一个高层次的概述,说明了为什么每个依赖项都包含在其中,并且是 cornerstone 工具发挥作用所必需的:

依赖项 目的 备选方案
Hammer.js 添加对触摸事件和手势的跨浏览器支持 N/A
Cornerstone Math 用来辅助向量数学或其他复杂运算的依赖关系 N/A
Cornerstone (Core) 渲染我们的图像,并提供有用的事件和方法,使对视口更改作出响应的工具成为可能 N/A
Cornerstone Web Image Loader 添加了从 httphttps URL “获取”PNG/JPEG图像的功能。其他图像加载器存在加载 NIFTI 或 DICOM 图像到 cornerstone CornerstoneWADOImageLoader (opens new window) (DICOM) / CornerstoneNIFTIImageLoader (opens new window) (NIFTI)
debug 一个模仿 Node.js core 调试技术的小型 JavaScript 调试实用程序。适用于 Node.js 和 web 浏览器。 N/A

如果您发现这一点过于复杂,并且有其他解决方案来管理和使用依赖关系,那么我们总是在寻找关于如何简化流程的新想法。请毫不犹豫地创建一个GitHub问题 (opens new window)讨论(:

# configuration

以前版本的 cornerstoneTools 需要对其内部结构有很强的了解,才能启用/禁用不同的特性和功能。现在,在初始化 cornerstoneTools 时应用合理的默认值。

import cornerstone from 'cornerstone-core';
import cornerstoneMath from 'cornerstone-math';
import cornerstoneTools from 'cornerstone-tools';
import Hammer from 'hammerjs';

cornerstoneTools.external.cornerstone = cornerstone;
cornerstoneTools.external.Hammer = Hammer;
cornerstoneTools.external.cornerstoneMath = cornerstoneMath;


cornerstoneTools.init(); call accepts a configuration object if you would like to deviate from default behaviors of cornerstoneTool's globalConfiguration:

   * When cornerstone elements are enabled,
   * should `mouse` input events be listened for?
  mouseEnabled: true,
   * When cornerstone elements are enabled,
   * should `touch` input events be listened for?
  touchEnabled: true,
   * A special flag that synchronizes newly enabled cornerstone elements. When
   * enabled, their active tools are set to reflect tools that have been
   * activated with `setToolActive`.
  globalToolSyncEnabled: false,
   * Most tools have an associated canvas or SVG cursor. Enabling this flag
   * causes the cursor to be shown when the tool is active, bound to left
   * click, and the user is hovering the enabledElement.
  showSVGCursors: false,

If you wish to change modules other than the globalConfiguration module, you may pass an array of named module configuration like so:

    moduleName: 'globalConfiguration',
    configuration: {
      showSVGCursors: true,
    moduleName: 'segmentation',
    configuration: {
      outlineWidth: 2,

You can go further and configure textStyle, toolStyle, toolColors, etc:

// Set the tool font and font size
const fontFamily =
  'Work Sans, Roboto, OpenSans, HelveticaNeue-Light, Helvetica Neue Light, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif';

cornerstoneTools.textStyle.setFont(`16px ${fontFamily}`);

// Set the tool width

// Set color for inactive tools
cornerstoneTools.toolColors.setToolColor('rgb(255, 255, 0)');

// Set color for active tools
cornerstoneTools.toolColors.setActiveColor('rgb(0, 255, 0)');

// and so on...

A full list of the settings and their defaults can be found here: globalConfigurationModule.js (opens new window)

# Adding and Using Tools {#adding-and-using-tools}

In previous versions of Cornerstone Tools, users would need to implement their own Tool manager. This version includes the concept of "adding" Tools to Enabled elements to make tracking and managing Tool state across your application easier.

# Adding a Tool to one or more Enabled elements:

In this example, we're adding a built in Tool to an Enabled element.

const LengthTool = cornerstoneTools.LengthTool;

// Make sure we have at least one element Enabled
const element = document.querySelector('#element-1');

// Adds tool to ALL currently Enabled elements

// OR add the tool to a specific Enabled element
cornerstoneTools.addToolForElement(element, LengthTool);

# Activating an added Tool:

When a Tool is added, its default mode is Disabled. When a Tool's mode is Active, it can be used; if it has measurement data, that data can be created or interacted with. You can read more about changing a Tool's mode in the anatomy of a tool section of our docs. In this example, we change an added Tool's mode to Active:

// Activate the tool for ALL currently Enabled elements
cornerstoneTools.setToolActive(LengthTool.name, { mouseButtonMask: 1 });

// OR activate the tool for a specific Enabled element
    mouseButtonMask: 1,

Now that our Tool is Active, we should be able to use our LengthTool to draw length annotations on the Enabled element. Having trouble or just want to see a quick demo? Check out this jsfiddle! (opens new window)

# 下一步计划

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