# 模块 Modules

# Modules

模块是 store 中具有名称空间的存储对象,它包含以下属性:

Property Requirement Description
configuration Mandatory 为应用程序范围的使用配置模块的对象。配置旨在通过内部和外部的方法来操作 cornerstoneTools.
state Optional 存储模块当前状态的对象。状态只能由 cornerstoneToolscornerstoneTools 插件操作。没有严格的结构状态必须遵循,因为它将特定于模块试图完成的任务。
getters Optional 由查询状态的函数组成的对象。getter可用于更复杂的状态查询(例如,生成一个引用特定的“基石”启用元素的值)。不需要计算的顶级原语应该由const property=state.property 访问,因为这减少了实现代码中的样板文件。
setters Optional 由修改状态的函数组成的对象。setter可以用于更复杂的输入(例如,将一个对象 xpush 到数组 y)。顶层原始值应该由 state.property=value 设置,因为这样可以减少实现代码中的样板文件。
onRegisterCallback (name) Optional 当模块注册到 cornerstoneTools store 时,将调用此函数。它用于执行模块所需的任何全局初始化。模块在注册时给出的 name 传递给回调。
enabledElementCallback (enabledElement) Optional 在注册模块时,将为每个Enabled 元素调用一次此函数,并在任何时候向 cornerstoneTools 实例添加新的 Enabled 元素时再次调用此函数。Enabled 元素被传递给回调。
removeEnabledElementCallback (enabledElement) Optional 每当从 cornerstoneTools 实例中删除 Enabled 元素时,就会调用此函数,以清除不需要的数据。“Enabled”元素被传递给回调。

# global-configuration

🚧 TODO! Feel free to contribute.

# cursors

🚧 TODO! Feel free to contribute.

# segmentation

分割模块处理每个 cornerstone 图像,将堆栈的 3D labelmap 数据集中处理。数据集中有两个原因:

  • cornerstone 中,每个 imageId 存储的数据是二维格式的,labelmaps 通常都是三维的结构。将整个 3D labelmap 的数据集中起来,并且 cornerstone 可以根据需要访问其 2D 和 3D 展示,这样就可以灵活地执行 2D 和 3D 操作,而无需每次重新聚合数据

  • 将 3D labelmap存储在一个 ArrayBuffer 中可以实现更好的互操作性和与 3D平台的和谐集成,比如 vtk-js (opens new window) 。如果使用诸如 vtk js 之类的 WebGL 库,建议您在分段模块配置中设置使用 Float32Array 分段。

# Data Structure

数据结构 The data is stored in a top-down hierarchal fashion, with the coarsest level being study-wide. The types themselves are JSDoc'd in src/store/modules/segmentationModule/index.js, but a more in-depth overview is given here:

# Series

The series object under state.series is the highest level object, containing a set of BrushStackStates with a 1:1 correlation with cornerstone stacks. Each BrushStackState is currently indexed each stack by the imageId of the first image in the stack.

# BrushStackState

A BrushStackState object contains two properties:

  • labelmaps3D: An array of one or more Labelmap3D objects, which are the same dimensions as the stack (width * height * numberOfFrames).
  • 'activeLabelmapIndex`: The array index of the active labelmap.

Each Labelmap3D object can contain multiple non-overlapping segments. To use have overlapping segments in your application, use multiple Labelmap3Ds.

# Labelmap3D

A Labelmap3D is a single, non-overlapping labelmap with the following properties:

  • buffer: An ArrayBuffer where the labels for each voxel are stored sequentially in increasing x, y, z. It has the same orientation as the stack, so increasing z is increasing imageIdIndex in the stack. By default, each label is stored as 2 bytes (encoded as Uint16Array), allowing for up to 65535 unique segments (+ 0 being empty/unlabelled). By setting the segmentation configuration property arrayType to Float32Array you can instead store the labelmap as a format more harmonious with vtkjs. vtkjs has to convert non-Float32Arrays when generating textures to pass to the GPU, and this is very costly. If you are using vtkjs in your application its highly recommended to use Float32Arrays for segmentations for decreased texture building times. This is especially noticable when using the vtkjs paint widget, for example.
  • labelmaps2D: An array of labelmap2D views on the buffer, indexed by in-stack imageIdIndex. The labelmaps2D array is initially empty, and each view is defined only if data is added to it, and should be removed if set empty (all zero labels). This makes it easy for the segmentation renderer, I/O libraries such as dcmjs (opens new window), and tools to localise the extent of segments without having to scan through every label in the stack.
  • metadata: An array of metadata objects per segment. Metadata is optional and its form is application specific. You may want a simple name for your label in your UI, or you may want more complex objects referencing standard libraries for anatomical region. The metadata is not used internally by cornerstoneTools, but acts an optional logical place to keep such data for your application.
  • activeSegmentIndex: The index of the segment to be created/modified when using BaseBrushTools or segmentation tools, when th labelmap is active.
  • colorLUTIndex: The index of the colorLUT to use when rendering the labelmap.
  • segmentsHidden: An array of segments to hide from the canvas. Initially empty to save space, set an index to true to hide the corresponding segment.

# Labelmap2D

A Labelmap2D is a 2D view of one frame of the segmentation, it is the object primarily interacted with from the cornerstone canvas, and has the following properties:

  • pixelData: a Uint16Array or Float32Array view of a portion of the parent Labelmap3D's buffer, corresponding to the frame. Array type depends on the segmentation module's arrayType setting.
  • segmentsOnLabelmap: An array of segments present in the pixelData. Whenever a tool or external manipulates the pixelData viewed by the Labelmap2D, this list should be updated. This is generally very cheap to do on the fly, e.g. after a scissor action or after a full brush stroke, but speeds up IO dramatically when compressing data to DICOMSEG, for instance, as you can work out how much memory needs to be allocated with very simple checks.

# Usage within cornerstoneTools

When using a tool on a cornerstone image, you can easily access the Labelmap2D of the active Labelmap3D. by querying the segmentationModule:

Import the segmentationModule getters at the top of the file.

import { getModule } from './store'; //appropriate relative path

// Destructure the parts of the module you require from the getters, setters, state and configuration. Here we only need the getters.
const { getters } = getModule('segmentation');

Then during cornerstoneTools event callback, where evt is the event:

const eventData = evt.detail;
const element = eventData.element;

const {
  labelmap2D, // The `Labelmap2D` for this imageId.
  labelmap3D, // The `Labelmap3D` for this stack.
  currentImageIdIndex, // The currentImageIdIndex of this image in the stack.
  activeLabelmapIndex, // The labelmapIndex of this active labelmap.
} = getters.labelmap2D(element);

This provides you all the information you need. You can grab as few or as many elements of this object as you need by destructuring appropriately.

# Editing the labelmap directly

You can then edit the labelmap directly:

const { pixelData } = labelmap2D;

pixelData[1337] = 9001;

# Using the drawBrushPixels helper

Or if using a brush you can use the drawBrushPixels helper to paint an array of 2D-coordinates to the Labelmap2D.

const { rows, columns } = eventData.image;
const pointerArray = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0]]; // Something grabbed by your brush.
const shouldErase = false;

// Imported from src/util/segmentation

To get the labelmap2D of another image in the stack which is not currently displayed:

const imageIdIndex = 99;

const labelmap2DofImageIdIndex99 = getters.labelmap2DByImageIdIndex(

An example of this usage can be found in the SphericalBrushTool.

Both getters.labelmap2D and getters.labelmap2DByImageIdIndex will return the Labelmap2D if it exists, and create it and return it if not.

Additionally getters.labelmap2D will initialise and create both the BrushStackState and Labelmap3D, if neither exist yet.

# Updating labelmap occupancy

Upon finishing an operation on a Labelmap2D, the tool/operation should call setters.updateSegmentsOnLabelmap2D(labelmap2D) on the Labelmap2D to update its segmentsOnLabelmap property. This property being correct up to date is useful for other tools, and I/O libraries.

This is not done automatically, because the end of an operationn might depend on the task. E.g. after one use of the CircleScissorsTool, we'll call updateSegmentsOnLabelmap2D, however we only do it at the end of BrushTool stroke. You may have a more complicated procedure whereby you perform a series of iterative growcuts with human intervention, and only want to update the labelmap occupancy at the end.

# Usage by application

The parent application can retrieve information about the labelmaps by querying the API. From metadata, to colorLUTs per Labelmap3D.

The most useful getter function is probably getLabelmaps3D(elementOrEnabledElementUID), which when given a cornerstone element, or a cornerstone enabledElement's UUID, returns a list of Labelmap3D objects, which can be parsed in order to generate UI.

A set of setters can be linked to UI components to change the active segment, set segment color, etc, refer to the API documentation for a full list of helpers.

# Usage by third party libraries.

You may wish to access one or more Labelmap3D buffers from outside cornerstoneTools, in order to either export them to persistent storage, or display them in another framwork, such as vtkjs (opens new window).

To retrieve the ArrayBuffer for the activeLabelmap on an element, from outside of cornerstoneTools:

const { getters } = cornerstoneTools.getModule('segmentation');

// Active buffer:
const { buffer, labelmapIndex, colorLUT } = getters.activeLabelmapBuffer(

// All labelmap buffers:
const bufferInfoArray = getters.labelmapBuffers(element);

// A specific buffer:
const { buffer7, colorLUT7 } = getters.labelmapBuffers(element, 3);

These functions also return the colorLUT (not just its index), so that you can map another renderer to the same color scheme. Note these are just helper functions, and you can indeed fetch all the Labelmap3D objects with getters.labelmaps3D, and extract this/more information if you desire.

# Backdoor

Note that other than from the API, you can always access the global series object:

const { state } = getModule('segmentation');
const series = state.series;

But only modify these if you know what you are doing, as you could potentially break your application by uncleanly deleting/modifying things.