# Input Sources

Cornerstone Tools provides support for a number of input sources which can be used to create interactive tools.

Currently, we provide four input sources: mouse, mouseWheel, touch, and keyboard. Each of these input sources triggers a number of events which can be used by tools. This section will explain the events triggered by each of these input sources.

# Common Event Data

Each of the input types triggers separate events for use by tools. The following properties are common to all events:

Property Type Meaning
event Event (opens new window) The original browser event which caused the Cornerstone Tools event to be fired.
element Element (opens new window) The DOM Element for the Cornerstone Enabled Element which is the target of this event.
viewport Viewport The Cornerstone Viewport object for the specific Enabled Element at the time the event was fired.
image Image The Cornerstone Image object for the specific Enabled Element at the time the event was fired.
type String Event.type (opens new window)

# Coordinates

Coordinates are currently represented as:

Object {
  page:   { x: Number, y: Number },
  image:  { x: Number, y: Number },
  client: { x: Number, y: Number },
  canvas: { x: Number, y: Number }

# Mouse Input Source

The mouse input source triggers the following events:

Event Name Meaning
cornerstonetoolsmousedown ** Mouse Down **
This is fired from the browser's mousedown (opens new window) event.
cornerstonetoolsmouseup ** Mouse Up **
This is fired from the browser's mouseup (opens new window) event.
cornerstonetoolsmousedownactivate Mouse Down, and no tool is present at the current location to respond to the event.
cornerstonetoolsmousedrag ** Mouse move while mouse button held down **
cornerstonetoolsmousemove ** Mouse move without mouse button held down **
cornerstonetoolsmouseclick ** Mouse Click **
cornerstonetoolsmousedoubleclick Two mouse clicks in quick succession. This is fired from the browser's dblclick (opens new window) event.

# Event Data

The mouse input events include the following event data:

Property Type Meaning
which Number The jQuery 'which' value for the mouse buttons which were held down when the event occurred. These are computed from the event.buttons (opens new window) values here (opens new window). In future iterations (possibly 3.0) of Cornerstone Tools, we plan to deprecate the 'which' value in favour of the 'buttons' value.
startPoints Cornerstone Coordinates The starting coordinates for the mouse event (e.g., for a cornerstonetoolsmousemove event, this is the location where the initial mouseDown event started).
currentPoints Cornerstone Coordinates The current coordinates
lastPoints Cornerstone Coordinates The final coordinates
deltaPoints Cornerstone Coordinates The change in coordinates
ctrlKey Boolean MouseEvent.ctrlKey (opens new window)
metaKey Boolean MouseEvent.metaKey (opens new window)
shiftKey Boolean MouseEvent.shiftKey (opens new window)

Note: ctrlKey, metaKey, and shiftKey are only currently included in eventData for cornerstonetoolsmousemove events.

# Usage

const element = document.querySelector('.my-cornerstone-element');
// Enable mouse input

// Disable mouse input

# MouseWheel Input Source

The mouse input source triggers the following events:

Event Name Meaning
cornerstonetoolsmousewheel ** Mouse Wheel **
This is fired from the browser's mousewheel (opens new window) event.

# Event Data

The cornerstonetoolsmousewheel event includes the following event data:

Property Type Meaning
pageX Number pageX (opens new window)
pageY Number pageX (opens new window)
imageX Number The X (horizontal) coordinate (in image pixels) at which the mouse was clicked, relative to the left edge of the image.
imageY Number The Y (vertical) coordinate (in image pixels) at which the mouse was clicked, relative to the top of the image.
direction Number -1 to represent negative 'wheelDelta', +1 to represent positive 'wheelDelta'

# Usage

const element = document.querySelector('.my-cornerstone-element');

// Enable mouse wheel input

// Disable mouse wheel input

# Touch Input Source

The touch input source triggers the following events:

Event Name Meaning
cornerstonetoolstouchstart ** Touch Start **
This is fired from the browser's touchstart (opens new window) event.
cornerstonetoolstouchend ** Touch End **
This is fired from the browser's touchend (opens new window) event.
cornerstonetoolstouchactive Mouse Down, and no tool is present at the current location to respond to the event. Note: Needs to be renamed to cornerstonetoolstouchactivate
cornerstonetoolstouchdrag ** Touch Move **
This is fired from the browser's touchend (opens new window) event.
cornerstonetoolstouchdragend ** Dragging has stopped **
This is fired from the Hammer.js panend (opens new window) event.
cornerstonetoolstouchpinch ** Pinch **
This is fired from the Hammer.js pinchmove (opens new window) event.
cornerstonetoolstouchrotate ** Rotation **
This is fired from the Hammer.js rotatemove (opens new window) event.
cornerstonetoolstouchpress ** Long press on a location without significant movement **
cornerstonetoolstap ** Quick tap (opens new window) on a location **
cornerstonetoolsdoubletap ** Two taps (opens new window) in quick succession **
cornerstonetoolsmultitouchstart Equivalent to cornerstonetoolstouchstart, but fired if there are multiple pointers on screen.
cornerstonetoolsmultitouchstartactive Equivalent to cornerstonetoolstouchactive, but fired if there are multiple pointers on screen.
cornerstonetoolsmultitouchdrag Equivalent to cornerstonetoolstouchdrag, but fired if there are multiple pointers on screen.

# Event Data

The touch input events include the following event data:

Property Type Meaning
currentPoints Cornerstone Coordinates The current coordinates
lastPoints Cornerstone Coordinates The final coordinates
deltaPoints Cornerstone Coordinates The change in coordinates
isTouchEvent Boolean Always present and always True for touch events. This property is being used in certain tools to change behaviour depending on whether or not the input event is a touch event.
direction Number For cornerstonetoolstouchpinch events, this is -1 for "pinchout" and +1 for 'pinchin'.
scale Number For cornerstonetoolstouchpinch events, the ratio of change in the scale (opens new window) ((current - previous) / previous) for a 'pinchmove' sourced event.
numPointers Number For multi-touch events, this is the number of pointers which were touching the screen while this event was fired.
rotation Number For cornerstonetoolstouchrotate events, this is the rotation (opens new window) (in degrees) that has been performed.

# Usage

const element = document.querySelector('.my-cornerstone-element');

// Enable touch input

// Disable touch input

# Keyboard Input Source

The keyboard input source triggers the following events:

Event Name Meaning
cornerstonetoolskeydown This is fired from the browser's [keydown (opens new window) event.
cornerstonetoolskeyup This is fired from the browser's [keyup (opens new window) event.
cornerstonetoolskeypress This is fired from the browser's [keypress (opens new window) event.

# Event Data

The keyboard input events include the following event data:

Property Type Meaning
currentPoints Cornerstone Coordinates The current coordinates
keyCode Number KeyboardEvent.keyCode (opens new window)
which Number The jQuery 'which' value for the mouse buttons which were held down when the event occurred. These are computed from the event.buttons (opens new window) values here (opens new window). In future iterations (possibly 3.0) of Cornerstone Tools, we plan to deprecate the 'which' value in favour of the 'buttons' value.

# Usage

const element = document.querySelector('.my-cornerstone-element');

// Enable keyboard input

// Disable keyboard input