# Contributing

We love contributions, and we have plenty of work queued up for all skill levels. If you have an idea, feel free to create a new topic on our community discussion board (opens new window), or comment on an existing enhancement (opens new window), up-for-grabs (opens new window), bug (opens new window), documentation (opens new window) issue. A quick "here is how I intend to approach this problem", with sign-off from someone like @swederik, will go a long way toward increasing the chances your hard work will be merged 👍

How To Contribute:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone the forked repository
  3. Before committing code, create a branch-per-feature, or branch-per-bug
  4. Create pull requests against cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/master

What To Contribute:

If you're looking to get your feet wet, start by:

Can't think of anything? Weigh in on and claim an outstanding issue in the backlog (opens new window).