# Images

Image Loaders 返回一个 Image 对象。

Image 对象可用的属性可以在 API 文档中的 Image 对象定义 中查看:


# Image

An Image Object in Cornerstone

Type: [Object]

# Properties

  • imageId [string] The imageId associated with this image object
  • minPixelValue [Number] the minimum stored pixel value in the image
  • maxPixelValue [Number] the maximum stored pixel value in the image
  • slope [Number] the rescale slope to convert stored pixel values to modality pixel values or 1 if not specified
  • intercept [Number] the rescale intercept used to convert stored pixel values to modality values or 0 if not specified
  • windowCenter [Number] the default windowCenter to apply to the image
  • windowWidth [Number] the default windowWidth to apply to the image
  • getPixelData [function] a function that returns the underlying pixel data. An array of integers for grayscale and an array of RGBA for color
  • getImageData [function] a function that returns a canvas imageData object for the image. This is only needed for color images
  • getCanvas [function] a function that returns a canvas element with the image loaded into it. This is only needed for color images.
  • getImage [function] a function that returns a JavaScript Image object with the image data. This is optional and typically used for images encoded in standard web JPEG and PNG formats
  • rows [Number] number of rows in the image. This is the same as height but duplicated for convenience
  • columns [Number] number of columns in the image. This is the same as width but duplicated for convenience
  • height [Number] the height of the image. This is the same as rows but duplicated for convenience
  • width [Number] the width of the image. This is the same as columns but duplicated for convenience
  • color [Boolean] true if pixel data is RGB, false if grayscale
  • lut [Object] The Lookup Table
  • rgba [Boolean] Is the color pixel data stored in RGBA?
  • columnPixelSpacing [Number] horizontal distance between the middle of each pixel (or width of each pixel) in mm or undefined if not known
  • rowPixelSpacing [Number] vertical distance between the middle of each pixel (or height of each pixel) in mm or undefined if not known
  • invert [Boolean] true if the the image should initially be displayed be inverted, false if not. This is here mainly to support DICOM images with a photometric interpretation of MONOCHROME1
  • sizeInBytes [Number] the number of bytes used to store the pixels for this image.
  • falseColor [Boolean]? Whether or not the image has undergone false color mapping
  • origPixelData [Array]? Original pixel data for an image after it has undergone false color mapping
  • stats ImageStats? Statistics for the last redraw of the image
  • cachedLut [Object] Cached Lookup Table for this image.
  • colormap ([String] | Colormap)? Depreacted. Use viewport.colormap instead. an optional colormap ID or colormap object (from colors/colormap.js). This will be applied during rendering to convert the image to pseudocolor
  • labelmap [Boolean]? whether or not to render this image as a label map (i.e. skip modality and VOI LUT pipelines and use only a color lookup table)